[Don Mills Speaking at a Board of Trade Luncheon—-Photo by Dave Briggs]
Irving Oil pulling the plug on development of it’s headquarters on Long Wharf is setting this city back a decade – – – – -that from President and CEO of Corporate Research Associates Don Mills.
Mills says everyone has to ask themselves if losing the project can be solely traced back to the recession, he says it could be related to waiting too long, and missing the window of opportunity.
Mills says everyone has to ask themselves if losing the project can be solely traced back to the recession, he says it could be related to waiting too long, and missing the window of opportunity.
Mills says the city is not going to be able to find another flagship development for the Waterfront, which is devastating for the municipality.
Mills says the city needs to focus on creating a a longer term outlook other than the Municipal Plan. He says he wants to see what the mixture of commercial and residential development for the city will be over the next 20 years.