If the new fire chief and deputy chief in the K-V recommend the hiring of another firefighter, Rothesay town council will do the right thing. That word coming from Rothesay Mayor Bill Bishop after Quispamsis town council voted for arbitration to settle the dispute. Quispamsis Mayor Murray Driscoll says there should be the same number of firefighters at the fire stations in his town and Rothesay. Bishop tells CHSJ News he can see where Driscoll is coming from because Quispamsis has more people and pays more for fire protection and, as such, wants equal status with Rothesay.
Bishop would prefer to see another meeting with Quispamsis and the K-V Fire Board before hiring an arbitrator because he says you never know how that will turn out and there’s always a cost. Rothesay has been pushing for a 100 thousand dollar reduction in the fire budget.
Rothesay Mayor Says Town Is Not Being Unreasonable In Dispute Over Fire Service
(Rothesay Mayor Bill Bishop)
(File Photo)