(Common Councillor Peter McGuire)
(File Photo)
After hearing safety concerns, Common Council now wants to get information from City Police about the number of collisions that have occurred along Loch Lomand Road. Some residents claim there have been 7 or 8 of them along one stretch because of a blind knoll.
Council wants to make the traffic flow at Simm’s Corner less dangerous but the estimated cost of doing that is 13 million dollars. Councillor Peter McGuire says this might be a good time to press the case with the provincial election just around the corner along with the road being designated as a provincial highway.
As for how dangerous Loch Lomand Road is, Councillor Joe Mott, who lives there, says there’s too much traffic, too much speed and not enough police patrols.
Councillor Patty Higgins warns expanding Highway One to six lanes from the K-V into the city won’t make it safer for drivers. She points to research showing the widening of highways results in greater speed and lane changes.