Saint Johner’s are delivering piles of recyclables and all their spare change towards helping the SPCA.
Right now local non-profit group and comic lovers Harbour Con-fusion are collecting any donations and recyclables at the Admiral Beatty Parking Lot. 5-year-old Brooke Graves, dressed as a little Captain America, say we need to save the animals because they can’t live on the street.
President of Con-fusion Margaret Cornfield tells CHSJ news people were dropping off truck loads of donations before they were even set up.
Members of the group will be walking around Uptown Saint John with giant ice cream buckets looking for SPCA donations as well.
Saint John SPCA President Melody McElman says the community has risen to the challenge just as she knew they would. She says with every dollar that comes in, they can stay open, and she’s now certain they will.