The Province’s liberal opposition is not surprised to hear of Jim Parrot’s ouster from the Tory caucus but Interim Leader Victor Boudreau says he would not be welcomed by the Liberals because he doesn’t represent the values of the party.
Miramichi MLA Bill Fraser says he finds it ironic to hear Premier David Alward talk of trust and respect.
Fraser charges Alward has lied time and time again to the people in the province on many issues adding he has the nerve to says he’s kicking Dr. Parrott out of caucus.
Fraser says the Premier has lost all respect of the voters over issues like the catastrophic drug program and free votes in the legislature and even many Conservative M-L-A’s are not hapy with his leadership style.
The Premier says it was a unanimous decision of the caucus to remove Dr. Parrott, whom he accuses of taking “cheap shots”. Dr. Parrot will now sit as an Independent in the provincial legislature and vows his political career isn’t over.
Dr. Parrott is a former heart surgeon who was elected in 2010 in the riding of Fundy-River Valley.