Mayor Mel Norton has asked Councillor Susan Fullerton to withdraw a controversial motion to fine sex workers for jaywalking; however, Fullerton says she’ll have to “think about it.”
His request came at last night’s meeting of the Police Commission, following presentations by both Fullerton and AIDS Saint John. Fullerton’s opinion is that used needles and noise issues bother residents and drive down her property values; however, AIDS SJ says sex workers need help, not further penalties.
Outreach worker Cathleen Belliveau tells CHSJ News Fullerton–who owns Chipman Hill Suites—is missing the point. The not-for-profit says overdoses, rapes and murders are far more serious that having to upgrade guests in a hotel room.
AIDS SJ Chair Leslie Jeffery responded to Fullerton’s suggestion sex workers should be told to gather in Agar Place away from people’s homes. She says driving them into the shadows puts them at a greater risk of being attacked and even killed.