Up to $45-million in savings is possible for the city’s Safe Clean Drinking Water project with the discovery of a significant groundwater supply on the West side.
Council giving the green light to the drilling of two production scale wells after tests came back showing there’s enough water to supply groundwater to the entire West side.
Mayor Mel Norton calling the H20 high-quality which he says reduces treatment costs which will, in turn, save ratepayers money and will also reduce the size of the water treatment plant slated to be built in East Saint John. Norton says it’s a very stable, sustainable supply of water which would be treated at the Spruce Lake Treatment Plant.
The Request for Qualifications document being released for bidders interested in the Safe Clean Drinking Water Project, which is described as being the first stage of procurement. Work on that project is expected to begin in 2015 and be completed in 2018.
More details on the drinking water project expected to be revealed today.