Scaremongering is provincial NDP leader Dominic Cardy’s assessment of the Gallant Government’s call for departmental cuts including 10-percent from the department of Health.
Cardy says what the Liberals have raised the spectre of is that one dollar out of every 10 is disappearing out of the health programs next year and that seems likely to be coming out of the ranks of the civil service, so he adds, if you’re working as a public servant in New Brunswick these days you’ve got to have that shadow hanging over you – are they talking about my job?
Cardy says the Gallant Government is trying to distract attention away from the negative effects of their recent budget by calling for these cuts in departmental spending. Other departments being asked to consider cuts in the 10-percent range include Education and Early Childhood Development and Social Development.
A deficit of 476.8-million-dollars being forecasted by the Liberals in the budget.