Having to get your vehicle fixed after hitting a pothole doesn’t always come cheap and one Common Councillor is calling on the City to review how they can help residents deal with the cost.
Bill Farren tells us this week alone he’s received a couple of calls from people whose vehicles were damaged and complained that because they were the first to report the pothole they won’t get any reimbursement from the City.
In Farren’s submission to council, he writes that when the person with the damaged vehicle contacts the City, they’re told that the City won’t help out because it’s the first time they’ve heard of the pothole and they have the right to fix the pothole instead of the persons vehicle.
The submission will be coming in front of Common Council during Monday night’s meeting.
Councillors will also be told all that snow we received beginning in late January tool a toll on the city’s bottom line with the budget for snow removal being overspent by a reported 3 and a half million dollars.