The Saint John Human Development Council releasing infographics for the city’s four wards that paint a striking picture of inequality when it comes to poverty rates.
Executive Director of the SJHDC Randy Hatfield tells us in Ward 1 and Ward 4 poverty rates and child poverty rates are overall at or below the national average. However, he says once you get into the inner city: the Old North End, Crescent Valley, the Waterloo Village area, the South end, and the lower West side, that’s where there are huge rates of poverty.
Ward 3 has the highest poverty rate of the four wards at 31-percent. The child poverty rates are above 40-percent in both Ward 3 and Ward 2. Ward 1 has the lowest poverty rate at just over 10-percent.
Hatfield is hoping these profiles might start a conversation or get people to be more engaged with their ward councillor and the municipality in seeking some change in conditions. You can check out the infographics for yourself by clicking here.