Many people in New Brunswick believe change is needed in the healthcare system, none more so than provincial NDP Leader Dominic Cardy.
He says there shouldn’t be multiple health authorities, and power should be decentralized to municipalities.
“Have much stronger local government in charge of implementing government programs, that’s how most wealthy countries operate,” says Cardy. “There’s no reason we can’t follow that example here in New Brunswick.”
Cardy says the NDP will support radical reforms to help bump up outcomes in the primary healthcare.
“Make sure that people don’t get sick so that they don’t end up in hospitals,” says Cardy. “And that our hospitals are turned into what they should be which is places if you’ve got serious needs you need to be hospitalized you’re going to get the care you need, and you’re going to get it quickly and it’s going to be world class.”
Cardy says it is unacceptable for the government to refuse to implement drastic healthcare change because it is too politically difficult.