Police warn roads in the outlying areas are slippery with freezing rain and black ice including highway 1. Cars have gone off the road in Rothesay and Hillcrest Road early this morning.
Simonds Fire responding at this hour to a single motor vehicle accident at Lackie Lane, Route 820 in Barnesville. Drivers should avoid the area.
All school buses serving the Sussex, Norton, Apohaqui and Belleisle schools are running on a 1 hour delay due to icy road conditions.
From the Hampton Education Centre, school bus # 749 is 90 minutes late. Bus # 793 # 742, # 791 and # 720 are on one hour delays.
School bus # 692 is running half an hour late.
In Sussex, school bus # 806 and 817 are running an additional 45 minutes late on top of the one hour delay.
Due to slippery road conditions, school buses will not be travelling on Drawlin, Erbs Cove and Ketchum Road in Hampton and Reynar Road in Quispamsis.
In Saint John, school bus # 307 and 322 won’t be running at all.