Thirteen puppies born at the RCMP Police Dog Service Training Centre now have names, thanks to submissions from children representing every province and territory in Canada.
The training centre received almost 16,000 entries to this year’s Name the Puppy contest.
Congratulations Dylan Boudreau of Le Goulet! He submitted “Jake” a winning entry in the Name the Puppy Contest!
— RCMP New Brunswick (@RCMPNB) April 26, 2016
The winning name for New Brunswick was Jake, submitted by Dylan Boudreau from Northeast New Brunswick.
All names had to start with the letter J.
The 13 winners will each receive a certificate, a photo of the puppy they named, a plush German Shepherd toy dog named Justice and an RCMP cap.
Hello, Jade, Jake, Jango, Java, Jax, Jazz, Jett, Jinx, Jix, Jolt, Jorgia, Jude and Juno! #namethepuppy
— RCMP Depot Division (@RCMPDepot) April 26, 2016