A Saint John councillor who represents and lives on the west side has apologized publicly for damaging Seaside Park last week.
Councillor Blake Armstrong delivered the apology at the latest meeting of Common Council saying that he took his excavator to the site and thought he was “improving the property” for Saint Johners and visitors.
“I now realize that I should have gone about getting this work done in a different way. At no time was I intending to damage any of the property,” says Armstrong. “I regret my decision, I take full responsibility for my mistake and I pledge not to do this again.”
Armstrong says that he’s going to be paying for the work to reinstate the property.
Councillor Greg Norton tweeted last Friday about what had been done to Seaside Park.
Work done at Seaside Park wasn’t authorized by @cityofsaintjohn I am disappointed this sensitive ecosystem & coastline has been disturbed. pic.twitter.com/zg4WSX02wR
— Greg Norton (@GregNortonSJ) November 25, 2016