You may remember a story we told you about last week, that anyone caught driving drunk in Kensington, PEI was going to be forced to listen to Nickelback in the cruiser on the way to jail. Well, the police services funny turned foul, because many people took offence. Some said that the police department wasn’t taking drunk driving serious be posting what they did on Facebook. Others said they were offended because they like Nickelback..
The original post stated that if you were caught drinking and driving, your punshiment would be, on top of the usual fine, charges and other things, you would be forced to listen to Nickelback while being taken to jail.
It was written as humour, but the Kensington Police Service didn’t expect it would get international media attention, and many of the readers didn’t think it was very funny.
So the original post has been removed. and in its place an apology.
Based on the current responses, it appears the police force has been forgiven.
Their plan, is to launch a new Anti Drinking and Driving message. One that embraces all Canadians and with a united voice, we will shout back against Drinking and Driving. We will work to help many, not shun a few.