The City of Saint John Safe Clean Drinking Water Project will soon be coming to an end and during a special council meeting on Monday, lots of praise and thanks came from around the horseshoe.
Councillor Gary Sullivan says this shows how much the city has accomplished since the year 2000 with Harbour clean up and this project.
“That is $300 million of infrastructure projects in a country that has an infrastructure deficit in the oldest city in Canada and all of that will have been renewed,” stated Sullivan.
Councillor Greg Norton had high praise for those who started it.
“Thanks to the previous council, you know councils are running things they run on four-year cycles and sometimes we get the privilege here to finish projects others began,”stated Norton.
Mayor Don Darling also had plenty of kudos.
“Thanks to the men, women, managers, construction workers that worked through cold, sleet, rain and did so very safely,” said Darling.
The Mayor also added, “There have been over one million labour hours on this project with one minor lost time incident to date.”
He knocked on the wooden table at the same time he made the statement.