The provincial and federal government have announced $2 million in investments over three years to help efforts to protect the North Atlantic right whale.
In 2017, twelve whales died in Canadian waters, many of those deaths were a result of entanglement in snow crab fishing gear.
The money is being provided through the Atlantic Fisheries Fund, and it will be used L’Association des Crabiers Acadiens Inc.
They’ll be conducting research, and testing of new equipment and technologies including hydrophones to assist in tracking whales.
No whales reportedly died last year after protective measures were implemented.
The funding announcement was made Tuesday in Shippagan, NB.
NB Association des Crabiers Acadiens Inc. receives $2M from #AtlanticFisheriesFund to support exploring and testing technologies aimed at reducing the risks of right whale entanglements in snow crab fishing gear @FishOceansCAN @Gov_NB
— GC Newsroom (@NewsroomGC) May 21, 2019