Rates will likely stay the same for Saint John Water customers next year, depending on the services you use.
Flat-rate customers will see no increase to costs, with rates staying at $1,428 in 2020.
The city says this is something to be celebrated, as flat rates have consistently risen by $72 per year over a number of years.
However, customers who are water only or sewage only may see some changes due to the lack of an offset from having both utilities.
Customers that are water only will see and “significant” increase, where flat rate sewer only customers will see a significant decrease.
Sewage costs will now be 80.35 per cent of the water cost, compared to 122 per cent of water cost in the past.
The utility says the main reason for the shift is related to the additional cost of providing safe, clean drinking water, and the building of the new water treatment plant.
The city also says it has lost 395 flat-rate customers over the past three years, meaning increasing costs aren’t sustainable. In an effort to solve this problem, they are stretching out costs over a larger customer base.
A number of upgrades and improvements also need to be budgeted for the utility for 2020, including technology upgrades, dam inspections, and environmental protection efforts.