Christmas is portrayed as a happy time for family and friends, but it isn’t a joyful time of year for everyone.
Spokesperson for the Atlantic Wellness Centre Danielle Whalen says Hallmark movies give the impression that there are lots of love stories and reunions, but there are a lot of people who just aren’t in the holiday spirit.
“During the holiday season, everyone has this expectation that it is supposed to be amazing, but that might not be a reality for you. If you want to skip Christmas this year, that’s okay,” Whalen says.
But if you are feeling really down, make sure you reach out.
“Maybe let a friend know or a family member know. If you aren’t feeling safe though, definitely reach out to even a crisis line, or go to the hospital if you are really feeling unsafe,” Whalen says.
She adds don’t be afraid to check in with friends if you know someone who seems down and out, “Invite them out to do something or maybe invite yourself over, maybe for a coffee, just to check in on them,” Whalen says.