Nancy Grant wants another four years in the mayor’s chair in Rothesay.
She announced this week she is re-offering for the spring’s municipal elections.
Grant thinks Rothesay is an even more vibrant community than it was four years ago.
She says they have done a lot for seniors such as partnering with the Saint John Y on the Rothesay Hive age-friendly community centre.
“We are continuing to do small things like more benches and more transportation.
Transportation is still a big issue for seniors that live in the valley,” Grant said.
Grant has issues she wants to keep working on including getting public feedback on the future of the Rothesay Arena.
She says council was divided down the middle on whether to build a new arena or renovate the existing one.
“So, it’s for that reason I have been saying for a year that we really to consult the public on this. So, let’s find what they want us to and get on with it,” Grant said.
Grant says the arena was built in the 1970s and consultants hired by the town estimate it would cost $6 million to renovate it to any kind of modern standard.
She says dealing with significant flooding in the town was one of the bigger challenges in this mandate.
“We’ve done a lot of flood mitigation. We’ve raised roads. We’ve put in backflow prevention devices. We have bought pumps. We have also enhanced our emergency planning. We’re certainly more ready than we were,” Grant said.
She says another project is getting support from the other levels of government for a new wastewater treatment plant.