This morning on our Facebook page we decided to check in and see how people made out navigating the “family bubble” extension the province gave us over the weekend. A lot of people I was surprised to learn have decided to keep their bubble closed because they fear the province made the decision too prematurely.
How do I feel? I agree with that. I think we should have waited until at least 2 weeks with no new cases. If the incubation period is 14 days, then we should have waited until 14 days after the latest case. Our province and our leaders have done an amazing job of keeping us safe through all of this, so I have to think they do have our best interest at heart but I like many of you am still nervous.
I think I will be nervous until they declare the whole thing over honestly…. sadly it looks like our world will continue to be off balance for quite some time yet. Large events are being put on hold until 2021… such a crazy thing to think about. I also think, will we get so used to being isolated that when the restrictions are dropped that being with others feels weird? I’m a total introvert, so big groups were never my thing but I sure do miss my little social circle. Or maybe I’ll turn into a extrovert … maybe? Likely no. HAHA!
For those who are confused about the “bubble” I saw this on FB being shared around and they gave me a chuckle. Hopefully they make you smile too!
Have a great start to the week! Stay safe in our out of your bubble!