Dr. Jennifer Russell. (GNB YouTube)
New Brunswick has no new cases of COVID-19 today.
The last new case was reported a week ago.
Public health says there are still two active cases of the virus and neither individual is in hospital.
The number of recoveries stands at 118.
As of today, 18,858 tests have been conducted.
Chief medical officer of health Dr. Jennifer Russell says the use of community face masks is encouraged when physical distancing is not possible.
“So if you have come into contact with COVID-19, you may not know it. Your symptoms may be very mild or you may have no symptoms at all. By wearing a mask, you are preventing any droplets that could carry the virus from being passed on to anyone close to you.”
Dr. Russell says masks should only be worn for short periods of time and should be washed and replaced regularly.
“Caution is still required,” said Dr. Russell. “As we continue along the road to recovery, we must do all we can to protect those who are at great risk from COVID-19. We are in this together, and we can get through it together.”