The pandemic has taken public speaking and moved it online.
Jim Kokocki, a marketing and public speaking consultant, said Toastmasters is a not for profit targeted at helping people become more effective communicators.
“These days we’ve moved, many of the clubs have moved online environment and using the Zoom platform so people still have a need to become effective communicators and leaders so they’ve joined Toastmasters clubs to continue to practice these skills.
Kokocki said the core components of public speaking remain the same but there are new behaviours required for communication online.
“But in the online environment, there’s new behaviour is required so audience members should be attentive, appear to be attentive, learn to mute their screen to turn off video if there’s distractions, learn to behave in that environment,” he said.
Kokocki said one of the most important online behavioral habits to teach through Toastmasters is to mute your microphone when not in use.
“Some important tips are in an online environment, it’s important to assemble early, to amke sure that the links are solid, that if technology like screensharing needs to be used, that you get a chance to try that before the full group assembles,” he said.
Kokocki said the world has done a great job moving online and it’s shown our adaptability, which he is delighted by.