The two top officials of the WE Charity are having their day being grilled during a House of Commons committee meeting.
Marc and Craig Kielburger started off by confessing they were not expecting the controversy surrounding the federal government’s $900 million student grant program which their organization agreed to administer.
“We would have never picked up the phone when the civil service called asking us to help young Canadians get through the pandemic if we had known the consequences,” admitted Craig Kielburger.
He added there was no financial benefit to the organization as a result of getting the contract to run the program noting taxpayers were protected. However the says the program quickly got pulled into politics and the fallout has created hardship for staff at We Charity “our partners and the community that we serve.”
The Trudeau government is in hot water over its involvement with the charity organization.
The prime minister himself is scheduled to appear before the committee.