Elections NB is trying to make the voting process as seamless as possible during the pandemic.
Additional staff will be hired to ensure public health guidelines are followed and a warehouse full of personal protective equipment is being distributed to ridings throughout New Brunswick.
At the polling stations, fewer voters will be allowed in at once, markers will be placed two metres apart on the floor and all workers will be wearing face shields or masks.
Some of those workers will be dedicated to wiping down high-touch surfaces and cleaning markers between electors.
Chief Electoral Officer Kim Poffenroth says voting will be much like visiting any retail store during the COVID-19 era.
“All electors will be asked to wear a mask when they come to vote particularly when social distancing can’t be maintained. They will be asked to sanitize their hands upon entering and exiting the poll.”
While wearing a mask is encouraged, Poffenroth says no voter will be denied their democratic right if they choose not to wear one.