Green party leader David Coon was joined by some candidates in Fredericton on Thursday to reveal the party’s election platform.
It has three themes: rebuilding good government and public services, building the green economy and building a green society.
Coon says the party’s first priority is to keep New Brunswickers safe during COVID-19.
“The second is to pursue a path to recovery from COVID-19. A path that embodies our vision for our beautiful province that puts the well-being of our peoples and communities at the heart of government decision-making without undermining the environment of which we utterly depend,” Coon said
Coon wonders if a future Liberal or Conservative government would privatize hospitals or NB Liquor.
He said a Green government will ensure the public services are kept under public management.
Coon was asked how he would improve provincial nursing homes.
“The fundamental problem is Blaine Higgs has refused to provide additional funds to the nursing homes to cope with ensuring visitation is safe and well managed in the context of COVID-19. As we know before the pandemic, they were stretched to the limit,” Coon said.
Coon called it “cruel and unacceptable” not to use available funding from the federal government adding they would change that.
The Green leader also discussed taxation.
“We will work with the federal government to close the tax loopholes that too many large corporations operating in this province have used to avoid paying their fair share of taxes,” Coon said.
“A Green government will spend money where it matters, not where it doesn’t,” said Coon. “We are offering New Brunswickers the real green deal for our province, where the government works for the well-being of all with compassion and respect.”