MLA-Elect Ted Flemming said the key to the success of Progressive Conservative’s record over the past two years
Flemming says when constituents looked a the PC record, they saw the fiscal responsibility of balancing across the board and increases across the board.
“The COVID experience and the steady management the province had, I think we ran on our record of the last two years and I think the majority of New Brunswickers embraced that,” he said.
Flemming said despite any challenges of campaigning during a global pandemic, in his opinion, COVID-19 isn’t something we’re going to stop living with any time soon and his party established the province as a leader.
“We can’t stop living, we can’t put democracy on hold, we can’t put business on hold, we can’t put employment on hold, we can’t put our world on hold, we have to manage sensibly and reasonably and safely,” he said
Flemming said people want good government and he asked people who do they trust moving forward
“That was the question that I asked people and the question is who do you trust going forward? I don’t ask people necessarily to vote for me. I say you should vote in the best interest of New Brunswick, that’s how you should vote,” he said.
Flemming thanked his colleagues and congratulated everyone who put their name on the ballot.
This will be Flemming’s third term as MLA.