This is Disability Awareness Week (DAW), a week usually highlighted in the spring but was postponed amid the pandemic.
The main goal of DAW is to raise public awareness of existing barriers that prevent citizens with disabilities from full and equal participation in all aspects of their community and what may be done to correct these problems.
Premier Blaine Higgs says although it’s a few months later this year, its message is just as timely.
Higgs noted how the pandemic has impacted resident living with a disability, from food and employment security to a need for better community support.
“During Disability Awareness Week, we must all continue to work together, to listen to those on the frontlines, to hear different perspectives.
Higgs says disabilities are complex and affect everyone, in one way or another.
This year’s theme, ‘Accessibility is the Future’, and premier Higgs says the future of the province relies on our ability to make it better for each of its residents.
He says positive changes have been made but knows that more needs to be done and that feedback from the community and frontline workers is essential in achieving that.