Monday is the day many New Brunswickers have been waiting for — it is the start of firearm deer hunting season in the province.
The season runs until Nov. 22 in most areas, except Nov. 8 in Wildlife Management Zones 1-3 in northwestern New Brunswick.
Deer hunting is not allowed in Wildlife Management Zones 4, 5 and 9 in the northern part of the province.
Bucks can be shot in all areas where hunting is allowed but antlerless deer can only be harvested in seven areas of the province.
Licensed hunters who wanted the chance to hunt does and fawns were required to enter the annual antlerless deer draw.
Earlier this year, the province said it would issue 4,400 permits for antlerless deer hunting, up from 3,600 last year.
The Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development said the increase occurs primarily in central and southern New Brunswick.
Bow hunting has been open since Oct. 5. It will remain open until Nov. 22 in most areas, except Nov. 8 in northwestern New Brunswick.