(Photo: Submitted by Village of Cap-Pele)
A village in Southeast New Brunswick will be featured on TV show tonight that spotlights small communities across the country.
Comedian Jonny Harris visits Cap-Pelé on the show “Still Standing.”
Cap-Pelé Spokesperson Justin Leblanc says TV crews came to their village a year ago, shortly after their largest employer, Cape Bald Packers burned to the ground.
The name of the show, Still Standing represents their community well, ‘We’ve seen our fair share of struggles in Cap-Pele and they really wanted to show how strong our community is and all of the unique things our community has to offer. They really wanted to get a feel for what it was like in Cap-Pelé, whether it was the cultural aspect, the food aspect and get to know the people and what we are really like in Cap-Pele.”
Leblanc says they managed to gather 600 people at the Cap-Pelé arena when the show was shot.
“They visited some smokehouses, some local restaurants, they baked some things in the local bakery, Aboiteau Beach and they visited some scouts,” Leblanc says.
He hopes this will encourage Canadians to visit once the pandemic is over.
The segment airs tonight on CBC at 8 o’clock.

(Photo: submitted by Village of Cap-Pele)