It’s the first step on a long road to getting a Disability Act in the province.
The New Brunswick Coalition of Persons with Disabilities hosted a virtual call for those interested in discussing what that act would look like.
Brent MacPherson, the president of the coalition, said there’s a lot of work to be done.
“After the session, the feedback of people attending and even the speakers were all excellent, they were all very glad and everyone was very pleased to be part of the process,” he said.
MacPherson said the first priority is figuring out how to make guaranteed income work.
The coalition will be sitting down with a class from Mount Allison University who has been researching on the coalition’s behalf and they have some findings to report on guaranteed income.
“I wanted as an organization, what we are, to advocate for improved lives or else visible and invisible disabilities in the province,” he said.
“I wanted to start the discussion. So that’s the way I’m looking at it myself, that this is only the start of the discussion.”
MacPherson said the coalition’s top priorities are guaranteed income; accessible and affordable transportation in rural and urban areas; disability supports and education; and affordable and accessible housing.
“They feel that there’s been a lot of talk and lip service, but no targets of meeting the things that are needed and that’s what we want to press. We want to press with clear targets of things being met, that things are getting done,” he said.
MacPherson said the coalition will also be meeting with a minister from the provincial government to discuss what else needs to be done.
Ontario, Manitoba and Nova Scotia are the only provinces with Disability Acts.