Sharon Tucker is running for mayor in St. George. (Image submitted)
A former St. George mayor believes one of the challenges facing the town is the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses and seniors.
Sharon Tucker is one of three people running for mayor in the upcoming municipal election.
She previously served as chair of WorkSafeNB and ran as a provincial candidate under the PC banner in 2010.
Tucker cites affordable housing and immigration as other important issues.
“Paired with immigration is recreation. Many people that are looking to move to an area make the decision based on their family requirements and recreation is a very big part of that,” Tucker said.
Tucker said if she were to be elected as mayor again, she would start with a strategic planning session with the new council because each person runs with “their own agenda”.
“I don’t necessarily go that route because I see, the mayor [as] the facilitator that brings all the ideas together. I certainly have my own ideas. What I want to start with first is strategic planning,” Tucker said.
Voters in most of the province head to the polls on May 10th.
People living in the Edmundston and upper Madawaska region will vote on May 25th with all the results announced after the polls close that night.