A part time summer job is a dream come true for a 14-year-old boy.
Kayleb Francis of Elsipogtog First Nation, is getting his first taste of his culinary dream with a part time job in the kitchen at Euston Park Restaurant at Parlee Beach,”My first week, I was only doing the preparation kind of stations but now I am doing the frying section, learning how all of those work.”
A social media post by his mom, Krystal Sock, about her son’s culinary talents caught the eye of the Euston Park Owner, and from there he was offered the job.
“I thought I would work somewhere being a cashier, not a restaurant. Now that I am cooking and doing something that I like, it feels more like a hobby and not a job,”Francis says.
He says his interest in cooking started with an egg, “I watched my dad start cooking eggs and I wanted to learn how.”
The biggest meal Francis says he has ever prepared before was a turkey dinner for the holidays, for his entire family, “With turkey stuffing, baby carrots, turnip, potatoes, coleslaw and gravy.”
His has big plans for his culinary future, “My dream is to basically own my own restaurant and being a chef. Probably a casual restaurant with some of the Indigenous foods.”