From Friday, Sept 24 to Sunday, Sept 26, the Celebrations Committee of the Saint John Community Arts Board is hosting Saint John Culturescape 2021.
It is an event showcasing the city’s deeply rooted artistic traditions and diverse cultures through a series of open houses and workshops.
“It’s going to be a series of events … that are being put on by some of the different galleries and arts and culture organizations throughout the city,” said Laura Oland, vice-chair, Saint John Community Arts Board.
The weekend event has an impressive lineup of artists and organizations including, the Fundy Comic Arts Society, SJ Jewish Historical Museum, Early Music Studio of Saint John, Sheila Howell (artist), and Fractured Arts Mosaics.
Oland mentioned the event is going in its inaugural year and is in line with Culture Days, Canada’s annual celebration of arts and culture.
“This has never happened before in Saint John, there used to be a series of different events that happened years ago, but yes, Saint John Culturescape 2021is the inaugural year.”
Oland added organizers hope the event will continue to grow in participation and is celebrated year after year.
For more information, CLICK HERE.