Liberal MLA Rob McKee participates in a media availability on Oct. 13 (Image via zoom)
In normal times a budget surplus would be great news, according to Liberal MLA Rob McKee, but given the current state of the province, he questions if it’s justifiable.
The opposition critic for finance has taken issue with the latest provincial fiscal projections.
“We’re still facing a pandemic …and even without a pandemic, we’re in a state of healthcare crisis, long term care crisis,” McKee said during a virtual scrum with media.
McKee referred to the seemingly constant closures at emergency rooms, seniors “suffering” in long-term care, a shortage of healthcare workers and the pandemic.
Announced on Wednesday morning, the 2021-22 first-quarter update credited a $38-million surplus this fiscal year to one-time federal funding.
“I want to know if the money from the [federal government] is being used for its intended purposes, or are we just paying down debt with it and reshuffling other moneys out,” McKee said.
He called on the government to not “sit idly by” as other provinces address the same issues that New Brunswick faces.
Labour negotiations
When asked whether he believes a projected surplus would affect ongoing labour negotiations between the Higgs Government and CUPE New Brunswick, McKee said this could “hurt” the province’s position.
“Even when you take out the federal money and you just look at own source revenues… they’re all up,” said McKee.
CUPE New Brunswick has lobbied the province for a 20% wage increase over four years.
Although McKee called for Premier Higgs to return to the table and bargain in good faith, he avoided questions about how much a Liberal government would offer.
“We need to offer them something that will give them a livable wage with the ever-increasing cost of living,” McKee said.