Mother Nature often transforms Hopewell Rocks over time and this season has been no exception.
A research team from Queen’s University has been studying the rocks in the provincial park.
Hopewell Rocks spokesperson Kevin Snair says the remnants of Hurricane Ida in early September created some changes.
“On September 5th, we did have a rockfall of a substantial nature and a fair bit of cliff came down in one spot – in behind the cables – so our protocols are working,” he notes.
“But it does remind us of the importance of keeping away from those edges and following the safety protocols that the park has in place because there was a lot of rock that came down that day.”
Snair adds how the remnants of the hurricane brought a month’s worth of rain in just a matter of hours and water was cascading over the cliffs.
In early 2016, a dramatic change occurred in the park when a large portion of the famous Elephant Rock crumbled over.
Hopewell Rocks recently closed for the year but did record an impressive visitor total especially later in the season as pandemic restrictions loosened and American and international travellers were allowed to re-enter the country.