As the deadline to appeal property assessments looms, the Liberal Opposition is calling on the Higgs Government to reduce the burden put on New Brunswickers.
The party believes residents deserve property tax relief due to the rising cost of living and the financial burden of the pandemic.
“Premier Higgs and his cabinet must show leadership on the property tax file and not download the burden on municipalities,” said Interim Liberal leader Roger Melanson.
Earlier this month, Service New Brunswick announced a 7.7% increase in the overall assessment rate, the highest increase in 20 years.
“The cost of everything from housing to food is increasing rapidly as inflation rates in the province climb quicker than the national average,” said Melanson.
Through a provincial fiscal update on Oct.13, finance minister Ernie Steeves revealed a surprising projected surplus of $38 million for the current fiscal year.
Now, the opposition believes the Higgs government should use this “opportunity” to help New Brunswickers.
“A government should never balance the books on the backs of the people it is supposed to serve. They must help New Brunswickers deal with the rising cost of living and the financial impact of the pandemic by providing them property tax relief. If big business can benefit from tax relief, so should New Brunswick families,” Melanson said.
Property owners have until Nov. 1 to file a request for review if they do not agree with their assessment.