It’s that time of year, time to think about putting on the winter treads, getting ready for the holiday season, putting the deck and patio furniture away, and who will win the battle of the THERMOSTAT!
It is an ongoing battle at home and the turns the heat up then someone turns it down if your the person that is always cold you will simply told to put on a sweater, if that doesn’t work find a heavier sweater. If you’re to hot you may be told to open the window a crack or better yet take your sweater off or step outside to cool off.
Recent surveys show it is older folks (55 and up) who prefer it warmer. I am one who now likes the heat and lots of it I hate being cold. This changed in the last few years , not long ago a friend nicknamed my wife and I as Hot Flash and Furnace Boy because our home was always cool even in the winter months. now we are Ice Queen and Jack Frost.
What ever camp you are in, turn the heat up or turn the heat down I wish you luck in your battle.