The operating license for the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station will expire on June 30, 2022.
In January 2021, NB Power sent its renewal application to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), an independent federal nuclear regulator.
Since early July 2021, officials from the CNSC have been reviewing the application.
“Staff ensures the application is complete, comprehensive, correct, appropriate, and most importantly meets CNSC requirements,” said Patrick Collins, spokesperson for CNSC.
“The application is evaluated to ensure it meets the nuclear safety control act, its associated regulations, and CNSC regulator documents, and CSA standards,” Collins mentioned.
Staff from the commission will also consider NB Power’s safety performance, and how the generating station meets its current license obligations.
“CNSC staff have been analyzing all data related to CNSC compliance activities, such as inspection findings and assessments,” said Collins.
Collins added the CNSH will host two public hearings to consider the license application.
Part one is currently scheduled for January 26, 2022, in Ottawa, ON.
Part two is scheduled for May 11 and 12, 2022. During this hearing, registered intervenors have the opportunity to make presentations to the CNSC Commission.
“This meeting is still set for the Saint John area, but due to COVID-19 restrictions we’re not too sure at this point if it can go ahead in the community, but if it will, we will post on our website.”
Point Lepreau’s operating license was last issued on July 1, 2017.