UNB’s Renaissance College is tackling the subject of housing and homelessness in a virtual panel discussion.
“Innovative Approaches to Housing and Homelessness: Advocacy, Leadership, and Movement Building” will be focused on the issue of homelessness and affordable housing in the community and the actions needed to address it.
The panelists include Marcel Lebrun of the 12 Neighbours Project, the tiny home project on Fredericton’s north side; Tim Ross of the Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada and former executive director of the New Brunswick Non-Profit Housing Association; and Fredericton Mayor Kate Rogers, who also chairs of the municipal Affordable Housing Committee.
Members of the audience can ask questions of the panel following the discussion.
The discussion is taking place next Wednesday, March 23, at 7 p.m. via Zoom.
Participants can register and also send in questions in advance for the panelists.
The last time Renaissance College offered the Leadership Speaker Series it covered the subject of “Changing the World Through Connection and Community.”
Renaissance College is UNB’s school of interdisciplinary leadership studies and was the first initiative of its kind in Canada.