Rothesay Town Hall. Image: Staff photo
This was not an “easy year” to make a budget, according to the mayor of Rothesay.
The draft operating budget approved by council includes a one-cent tax cut to $1.19 per $100 of assessed value.
Nancy Grant noted increased costs like $200,000 for the Fundy Regional Service Commission.
“Protective services up between $500,000 and $600,000, fuel up by $350,000. That’s almost a $1 million right there,” Grant said.
The Kennebecasis Valley Fire Department has a 10.93 per cent increase for 2023 of $2.6 million, which includes capital expenditures.
The cost of policing in the KV sees an increase of 7.78 per cent for 2023 to nearly $3.3 million.
Transportation services — which include snow removal contracts, salt expenditures and wage adjustments — account for an aggregate increase of 14.3 per cent.
Due to the rising costs, the town expects to spend about $350,000 on fuel next year.
If passed, water and sewer rates would also increase by five per cent.
The draft budget was unanimously approved during a meeting last week.
The budget comes before council again on November 14th for final approval.