Premiers Tim Houston and Blain Higgs are meeting with federal infrastructure Minister Dominic LeBlanc on Monday to try and move forward with plans to fortify the Chignecto Isthmus which connects the two provinces.
In recent years, experts have indicated that the narrow strip of land is in need of fortifications to help protect it from the changes brought on by climate change as it is now more susceptible than ever to extreme weather.
Millions of dollars of goods travel both ways daily across the Isthmus and the two Premiers have argued that as it is a critical trade corridor that delivers products across the country it should be Ottawa’s job to pay for any necessary fortifications in full.
The federal government disagrees with LeBlanc encouraging both Premiers to submit their funding applications for the federal governments support ($200 million) prior to the deadline on Wednesday.
What type of fortification will be used also still needs to be determined, there are three potential options varying in cost with the cheapest estimated at a little over $250 million and the most expensive is around $400 million