Girls and women in need of monthly menstruation products can now get them for free.
The provincial government announced yesterday that they are now available at libraries across the province.
They can be found in the washrooms of all 63 public libraries, and they are encouraged to take what they need.
“Recent data suggests that a significant portion of women and gender diverse people in this province are having to choose between paying for period products or food and rent,” said Sherry Wilson, the minister responsible for Women’s Equality. “Barriers to accessing these products can interfere with many aspects of life, so we are incredibly proud of this initiative.”
Going forward, the initiative will be included in the regular operating budget of the New Brunswick Public Library Service.
“As co-founders of the UNB Menstrual Health Society, Caroline Stephen and I believe this is a step in the right direction, and we hope it inspires further advances in menstrual product accessibility in New Brunswick,” said Kate Palmer, co-founder of the society.