Food Depot Alimentaire’s 50/50 draw could hit a record this week.
It could grow to $1 million by Wednesday.
“If it reaches that milestone, then some lucky player with a paid ticket is going to walk away with $500,000. That is amazing, says Draw Coordinator Donna Eagles.
The highest it has been to this point is around four or five weeks ago when it was just over $900, 000.
“We have around 60,000 registered players, but only about 32,000 of them play on a regular basis and purchase a ticket. If you don’t renew your ticket, your ticket stays in the draw. This is called a 50/50 Gold Rush draw, and what that means is you register to play and you’re basically committing to purchase a minimum of a $2 ticket every week. If you do not purchase your ticket on any given week, and we draw your number then you would be a non-winner and the pot would roll over to the next week,” Eagles adds.
The Food Depot Alimentaire 50/50 draw started around ten years ago, and since then almost $10 million has been given back to winners, and the same amount to food banks, soup kitchens, crisis centres and school nutrition programs..
“This draw has grown over the years to be the primary fundraising initiative for the Food Depot Alimentaire. It’s critical to our organization and has allowed us to grow to do the things that we are doing right now, as far as providing food and services and support to the food banks across the province. The need has never been larger and it continues to rise. So this has critical importance,” Eagles stresses.
If you’d like to purchase a ticket for the Food Depot Alimentaire 50/50 draw, you can do so online or at any of the local Needs stores or other retail outlets where tickets are sold.